Friday, April 29, 2011

Easter dress...

 I had originally planned to make myself a dress in time for Easter...but it didn't quite work out. I got this pattern on sale for a buck, and then got dark green linen like fabric. I'm not sure why the sizes are what they are on patterns. I measured and measured and carefully cut it out adding length and little bits of extra here and there to make sure it fits ok.
So, there we were, about to leave town for Easter and I'm scrambling to make my own deadline. I'm sewing frantically calculating what I can finish in the car by hand on the 8hour drive when I try on the skirt, supposed to be 100x easier then the fitted custom made top(more on that later) and it looks terrible! It has these little pleats in the front that are at maximum pleatage making me look like a fatty. So I gave up and brought a skirt along for Easter Sunday.
I'm now perplexed on whether to finish it and sell it to someone a bit smaller than me and start over (I kind of wanted deep purple fabric anyways) or just take the darn pleats out and finish the thing.
As for the custom part- I really liked this pattern as is, but I thought it was a bit bland. (I made the yellow dress on the front) So, I dug into my memory and found that I had just seen a tutorial on how to add a tying sash to a shirt.  I didn't think it would be that different then adding it to a collar. Since it is already made of an attached band of fabric. It worked out beautifully. (I wont lie, I did doubt myself and rip out seams that I had done right the first time.)

This is Hayley's Easter basket I whipped up, I'm pleased with it, but it has some quirks I wish I had worked out better. It's a little floppy which is great for storage but you don't really get the effect since the ears wont stay up. I would have engineered those better (and bigger) too. But hey, I had no pattern! 

If you are looking for the chevron stripe blackout drapes I was doodling about in my last post....I gave up. Hayley was waking up at 5:30 everyday for 2 weeks and I said forget it, they have to go up, cute or not.  So maybe next winter when it isn't so crucial I'll finish them. (Sorry!)

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