Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Pottery Barn Inspired Mirror

I finished the mirror! 
This mirror is a weird size, 16inX13in. I would probably have made it bigger but I don't really have a mantel or anything large to display it on yet. 
I got the wood from the hardware store, I had to get a 2ft X4ft piece and have them cut it. BUT now I have other chunks I can use for something else. I used the same black paint from the shelf and coat rack. Nine mirrors from the dollar store, and 2 pieces of fancy trim from the craft store. 

Wood $2  ($6 originally but I only used a small chunk)
Trim $6
Paint $.50 (I seriously didn't use that much paint on this, the bulk of the small can went to the shelves)
Mirrors $9

Total = $17.50
Pottery Barn Mirror =$699 (That one is huge at 44inX55in)

The break down:
PB mirror: $699 / 2420 sq.in. = .28cents per inch
DIY: $17.50 / 208 sq.in. = .08cents per inch

That's huge!

Monday, March 28, 2011


Spring Break happened. So I lost some steam on the shelf projects, but I bit the bullet and finished the other day. I love them and I cant wait to move so I can hang them up and make our living room more finished looking.

I started another project, it should look like this when finished. It's putting my wood crafting skills to the test, so we'll see how turns out. ;)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Crochet headband

 Some fun crochet headbands I did for the shop and the giveaway at http://threeyearsofdeath.blogspot.com/
Thanks to Ashley for teaching me how!
The giveaway is still going on if you want to enter!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

New Projects!

I've been gearing up to be featured at ThreeYearsofDeath.blogspot.com which is why I haven't posted much. Also, Spring break happened yadayada.

So here's a few things I've been working on!


I'm being featured today at:

Check it out! Enter the drawing!

I'll have some new posts pretty soon on the newest things, stay tuned!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Shelf beginnings...

I came across this shelf in my Dad's garage, he said he was probably just going to get rid of it. I however was in the market for one, so he gave it to me! Yay!
I forgot to get a before shot. It was better looking then it looks now, I hate to admit.
It was shiny creamy white but I wanted it dark brown or black.

So, since I don't really have any experience knowing what needs to be sanded first, and what doesn't, I just went ahead and painted the underside and back.

I used the same kona brown paint from the mag. rack but... as you can see it looks purply-pink. Yuck. It also wasn't sticking very well. (you can see the streaks that pealed off) So I learned the hard way that I should have at least sanded a little on this project.

But I have almost got the gross purple/pink wanna be brown paint off and it will be beautiful black soon enough.

Coat rack beginnings

I found this old magazine rack at an antique store that was closing.
I thought it had great potential.

It as 2 slats of wood in the front and back, I removed the top
one in the front to reveal a small open shelf.

Then I painted it dark brown (kona brown to be exact)...But I guess I'm just not loving it, so I held off on putting the hooks on.
I went back and bought a can of black.
It's going to be black in the coming days.